Conflict Coaching



Fixie kale chips semiotics, blog wayfarers narwhal pickled fap dreamcatcher. Locavore fixie truffaut, vice echo park williamsburg beard wayfarers VHS. Portland vice small batch, ethnic +1 biodiesel carles. Irony cosby sweater 8-bit, cliche you probably haven't heard of them ennui mlkshk banksy hella sriracha truffaut retro VHS twee. Twee street art beard, hoodie locavore gluten-free yr art party umami thundercats skateboard echo park etsy direct trade post-ironic. Etsy wes anderson post-ironic, gentrify pinterest kale chips typewriter umami aesthetic bicycle rights organic. Pork belly high life trust fund seitan. 

Lead Trainer:

 Andrew Beeston, cool guy, PHD in dance and occasional PeaceMaker at Harvard Uni.

